Constellations has a place-based strategy to support regions of the country where BIPOC Artist Disruptors, Culture Bearers and cultural strategy organizations are historically under-resourced due to generational extraction. We are supporting work in the following regions: Southern Border Region, The South, Midwest, Non-continental United States, and Indigenous communities (Sovereign, Tribal and Indigenous Nations and Territories)*.

This map does not indicate the land borders of the Indigenous communities we serve.
*We honor Indigenous communities’ self-determination and sovereignty to identify beyond federal tribal recognition, including but not limited to federally or state recognized tribes, communities establishing inter tribal and tribal affiliations, and those re-tribalizing themselves through land, language, and culture.


California: Metzli Projects

Southern U.S.


Hawai’i: Pu’uhonua Society

Southern Border Region

Indigenous Communities

South Dakota: Generations Indigenous Ways
New York:


  • "We are not envisioning anything other than what we know in our bones."

    Pu’uhonua Society

  • “Cultural workers are the soothsayers of our movements: not only do our practices pierce into where our communities hold pain but we also are the creative engines for how to access healing and freedom.”

    Acorn Center for Freedom

  • "Together, we are able to challenge and dismantle false narratives about our communities by putting that power back into the hands of the artists who are working to keep communities like ours safe from demonization and misrepresentation."

    Femme Frontera


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